General Education Resources

Content in this section are developed by Chloe Evered (Graduate Student), Whitney Fils-Aime (Undergraduate Student), Lavon Davis (PhD Student), and supervised by the faculty team. This page contains articles, podcasts, videos, and a game, to learn about deepfakes.





Deepfakes, My Take

Gabrielle Watson

Using Interdisciplinarity to Tackle Audio Deepfakes

The Center for Social Science Scholarship, UMBC,

featuring students Kifekachukwu Nwosu, Rochester Institute of Technology, and Chloe Evered, Georgetown University



Four ways to detect a deepfake voice

Ampere News

Learn to detect a deepfake voice with an Elon Musk clone

Ampere News

Would you fall for this deepfake scam call?

Ampere News



Other Resources

The Deepfake Files

A Game by The Wilson Center


NSF Award #2346473


Infographics by Pragya Pandit
Website Design by Lavanya Neelakandan